Stewart Sternberg and I had our names mentioned a couple of times in The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror. We were both given honorable mentions for our stories in High Seas Cthulhu. Other writers in the anthology whose work interested editor Ellen Datlow were: Matthew Baugh, Tim Curran, John Shire, and Lee Clark Zumpe. Congratulations to everyone involved.
Now that's something to be proud of, friend. But you haven't made it really big until you've had a dishonorable mention and an honorable mention in the same anthology. Theh you are forced to admit that the editor is bipolar.
I would settle for being a mere multi-millionaire; why shoot for the stars and live a life of disappointment?
I'm not used to visiting your blog these days. Congratulations.
Thanks Stewart, watching Mr. Genre work has inspired (shamed?) me.
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