Tuesday, July 17, 2007

High Seas Cthulhu: Table of Contents

Well folks, here's the final table of contents for High Seas Cthulhu. I'm honored to be in such wonderful company. Run out and buy a copy. Hell, buy ten, I get royalties for this one. : )

The Idol in His Hand -- Darrell Schweitzer
The Tip of the Iceberg -- John Shire
Passage to Oblivion -- Lee Clark Zumpe
Dark Blue -- Alan Dean Foster
The Isle of Dreams -- Charles P. Zaglanis
Ensnared -- Paul Melniczek
A Kind of Fear -- C.J. Henderson
La Armada Invencible -- Michael McBride
The Others -- Stewart Sternberg
Signals -- Stephen Mark Rainey
The Havenhome -- William Meikle
The Bedlamite -- Ferrel Moore
The Star of Istanbul -- Chris and Linda L. Donahue
High Seas -- Michael Penncavage
Those Who Came to Dagon -- John Shirley
Clown Fish -- Matthew Baugh
Ice -- Heather Hatch
The Wreck of the Ghost -- Tim Curran
The Stars, in Their Dreaming -- Gerard Houarner
The Depth of Darkness -- William Jones


Anonymous said...

I feel a twinge of jealousy when I think of all those who will soon be reading the Great Chuck's word for the first time.

The first time is always... Special...

Your loyal Minion,


Rick said...

Morning, Chuck:

Is it true that you have the longest story in the entire collections?! Gasp. It this is so, then I am afraid I must contact Satorimeister Sternberg and he will soundly whip your writing butt with the cruel knittles of Economy and your prose shall be "condensed."

And is that listing the current order of stories?

Also, I have to know how the story title "Clown Fish" got by the editor. Wait, I'll go torment his blog later today...

Charles P. Zaglanis said...

Thanks Will, as always, you are too kind.

Rick, in no particular order: no, yes, I'm not sure.



Anonymous said...

Jeez, you finally get some titles up here and the best you can do is HSC TOC?

I mean, come on man, why even bother? (g)



And yes by the way, you can totally consider your (g) thing stolen. I think it stands for grin, but I'm not sure. I suppose it could be grimace, which puts a whole new tone on some of the email I've gotten from you.

Eh, I'm babbling, it's off to bed for me.

Lucas Pederson said...

Cool. And I'm off to the bookstore.

William Jones said...

I'm going with Will on this one: HSC TOC! WTFITA? Give us words!

Charles P. Zaglanis said...

I live for my public. So let it be written, so let it be done.

Rick said...


Carrie said...

I was told to come here and give you heck for introducing Stewart to WoW, instead I come to thank you :)

Asara, lv 70 NE Hunter, Malfurion server ;)

Charles P. Zaglanis said...

With a mark, I damned him. Thanks for stopping by Asara

Bill Barnett said...

I’ve just added High Seas Cthulhu and Frontier Cthulhu to my birthday wish list, Chuck. My wife and friends won’t let me down.

I look forward to reading them!

- Bill B.

Charles P. Zaglanis said...

Hi Bill,

Thanks for stopping by. I hope you enjoy the books, there are many fine stories in them.

