The prodigal son returns with good news. Chaosium is publishing my Mythos/western story "Jedediah Smith and the Undying Chinaman" in Frontier Cthulhu:
Call of Cthulhu Fiction Anthology for 2007.
Frontier Cthulhu
CHA 6041 $14.95 isbn 1-56882-219-7
A New Land Founded upon Forgotten Horrors
As explorers conquered the frontiers of North America, they disturbed sleeping terrors and things long forgotten by humanity. Journey into the undiscovered country where fierce Vikings struggle against monstrous abominations. Travel with European colonists as they learn of buried secrets and the creatures guarding ancient knowledge. Go west across the plains, into the territories were sorcerers dwell in demon-haunted lands, and cowboys confront cosmic horrors.
William Jones is running a contest over on his blog http://williamsramblings.blogspot.com/ If your lucky, you might win a free book.
That should be "you're." I hate when I do that
Welcome back, Chuck. Ignore Rick.
That earlier comment was me pretending to be Stewart but now you must realize that I am really Stewart pretending to be Rick so when I tell you to ignore Stewart it is really me telling you to ignore myself.
But besides that, congratulations on your success! I loved the story when you read it out loud, and want to suggest you have it turned into an audio book, read by me of course.
All hail the Chuck-God
The book sounds cool. I was too late for the contest :(
You need to update your blog more frequently. I actually update mine once every year whether it needs it or not.
Welcome back, buddy!!!!!!!!!!
Good to see you again. And good to hear about your success!
I'm definatly going to by this book. Later fella.
Wow, I'll have to take a look at that. I like the cover art.
Hope you are doing well. Long time no see.
Hi Lucas, Christina. I had a lot of stuff come up-some good, some not so-and my online life suffered.
I'm glad you're interested in the book, it should be a humdinger. : )
And chuck-fan 01, you will be the first person I call when I start the Church of Chuck. May I bless and keep you, always.
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