Monday, September 15, 2008


I was surfing a website where writers and fans interact and there was a discussion about what people wanted to see on a writer's website. The item that garnered the most responses was a bibliography. People like to see a writer's "bonafides" and it helps to track down his or her work.

Short fiction:
"Jedediah Smith and the Undying Chinaman," Frontier Cthulhu, 2007, Chaosium

"The Isle of Dreams," High Seas Cthulhu, 2007, Elder Signs Press

Role-playing games:
"Mythos ex Machina," Keeper's Companion II, 2002, Chaosium

"Occult Books," Keeper's Companion, 2000, Chaosium

ConClave 33

I've been making the rounds at local (and not so local) cons for the past couple years and this year I decided to do a bit more than sign autographs and peddle my wares. I'll be taking part in the discussion for the following panels at ConClave 33:

Games to Fiction and Fiction to Games: Where to start, with the role-playing game or the fiction
Sat 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Room: Br 7
Fellow panelists: William Jones, M. Keaton, Richard Tucholka

H.P. Lovecraft Today: How Lovecraft's ideas and fiction have become larger than Lovecraft
Sat 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM Room: Atlantis 5
Fellow panelists: William Jones, Ferrel "Rick" Moore, Stewart Sternberg

Zombies and Survival Fiction: It seems like the undead are becoming more popular with every passing decade. Discover the thrill behind zombies and apocalyptic fiction
Sat 10:00 PM - 11:00 PM Room: Atlantis 3
Fellow panelists: William Jones, Ferrel "Rick" Moore

I'm also a part of their Writer's Workshop. I'll be giving advice to fledgling writers and proofing their work.

Please come down if you are able, the more the merrier. Also, do yourself a favor, check out the various panels Rick Moore will be on. Rick is always enlightening, thought provoking, and entertaining; you will not be disappointed.